
"asomarse" in English

"asomarse" in English
asomar{transitive verb}
to show oneself{r. v.} (to become visible)
to peep[peeped · peeped] {v.i.} (show, stick out)
Pero inevitablemente asoma la pata de lobo colonial de determinados países de la UE.
But when it comes to the crunch, certain EU countries' old colonial cloven hooves peep out.
to poke[poked · poked] {v.i.} (project)
to stick[stuck · stuck] {v.i.} (project)
Al mismo tiempo, era posible caminar por un camino vecinal mientras las ovejas y corderos asomaban sus cabezas por las cercas.
At the same time, you could walk along a country road and the sheep and lambs would stick their heads out through the fences.
Bueno, pues aquí los tenemos, asomando por el horizonte; es hora de que demuestren su valía.
Well, here it is, sticking its nose over the horizon; it's time for you to prove your mettle.
asomar[asomando · asomado] {transitive verb}
Tiene sus raíces profundamente hundidas en algunas de las características que han asomado, muchas veces, su horrible imagen en la historia humana.
Its roots are deeply embedded in some of the characteristics which have frequently shown their hideous face throughout human history.

Context examples for "asomarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
prohibido asomarse por la ventanilla
to do not lean out of the window
Sin embargo, quiero señalar, en primer lugar, que cuando mi jefe de prensa ha intentado asomarse hoy a este hemiciclo, se lo han impedido en el acto.
I should like to point out that when my press officer wanted to step into the Chamber, he was stopped straight away.
es peligroso asomarse
to do not lean out of the window
asomarse por algo
to lean out of sth
Señor Presidente, el manido asunto del Estatuto de los diputados vuelve a asomarse a esta Cámara, sin que podamos saber muy bien cuál será el resultado de las conversaciones con el Consejo.
Mr President, that old favourite, the Members' Statute, has reared its ugly head once again in the Chamber, before we can really even tell what will be the outcome of the discussion with the Council.