
"couldn't" in Spanish

"couldn't" in Spanish
poder{v.t.} (pasado del verbo can)
Couldn't you have taken a longer, more isolated route?
¿Acaso no podía usted haber dado una vuelta más larga, por donde no pasa nadie?
I couldnt help but to break down; I was overwhelmed with emotions.
No podía evitar quebrantarme; estaba abrumado con emociones.
"Couldn't we stipulate that animals which fall ill have to be treated but not eaten?"
"¿No podríamos establecer que los animales que enferman se deben curar y no comer?"

Similar translations for "couldn't" in Spanish
T- t
Context examples for "couldn't" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
"If it would work and if kids couldn't find a way around it, it would be a good idea," she told me.
"Si funcionara y los chicos no encontraran la forma de burlarlo, estaría bien", dijo.
she couldn't whip up any enthusiasm for literature in her students
no pudo despertar ningún entusiasmo por la literatura en sus alumnos
she couldn't have got there before six even if she'd tried
no podría haber llegado antes de las seis aunque lo hubiera intentado
He debated with me and I finally convinced him that he couldn’t hide behind his work anymore.
Tuvimos un debate pero finalmente lo convenci para que no siguiera escondiendose detrás de su trabajo.
the bosses couldn't care less what ordinary workers like us think
poco les importa a los jefes lo que opinemos los de abajo
if it weren't for my other jobs I couldn't pay the rent
si no fuera porque tengo mis buscas no podría pagar el departamento
he couldn't answer a single question, he looked really stupid
no contestó ni una pregunta, quedó a la altura de un felpudo
he was so overcome by emotion that he couldn't even thank them
estaba tan emocionado que no pudo ni darles las gracias
I couldn't resist the temptation to tell him what I thought
no pude resistir la tentación de decirle lo que pensaba
we couldn't see it because there was an enormous tree in the way
no podíamos verlo porque lo tapaba un árbol enorme
at the last minute he suddenly announced that he couldn't come
a último momento se descolgó con que no podía venir
the bosses couldn't care less what rabble like us think
poco les importa a los jefes lo que opinemos los de abajo
they couldn't wait to get their grubby little hands on the money
estaban que se morían por echarle mano al dinero
we couldn't convince him that he should support our motion
no logramos convencerlo de que apoyara nuestra moción
these multinationals couldn't care less about the little man
para estas multinacionales el individuo no cuenta
realistically, it couldn't be finished before Friday
siendo realistas, es imposible acabar antes del viernes
a motorcycle pulled out in front of him and he couldn't brake in time
se le cruzó una moto y no pudo frenar
I was wedged in between two cars and I couldn't pull out
estaba atascado entre dos coches y no podía salir
he's a good actor, I couldn't tell he was bored
disimula muy bien, no me di cuenta de que estaba aburrido
they couldn't find a vacant room for love or money
no encontraron una habitación libre ni para un remedio