
"to count against" in Spanish

"to count against" in Spanish

Context examples for "to count against" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Only items that you upload to Google Docs will count against your storage limit.
Solo los elementos que subas a Google Docs se contabilizarán para el límite de almacenamiento.
And voters would surely count that against us come the next gas crisis.
Y los votantes seguramente contarían con que la próxima crisis del gas se vuelva contra nosotros.
It will count more heavily against you in this Parliament if you fail, than against those of whom less was expected.
Por tanto, en este Parlamento pagará más caro su fracaso que un Presidente que crease menos expectativas.
Yet their very success now threatens to count against them as they approach the limit of permissible commercial cultivation.
Pero su propio éxito amenaza ahora con volverse contra ellos a medida que se aproximan al límite del cultivo comercial permitido.
don't count it against her
no se lo tengas en cuenta
If the Commission gets its way, they will be forced to land everything they catch and count their quota against the national one.
Si la Comisión se sale con la suya, se verán obligados a desembarcar todo lo que capturan y hacer el recuento de su cuota frente a la nacional.