
"aferrado" in English

"aferrado" in English
aferrado{adjective masculine}
aferrar{transitive verb}
aferrar{intransitive verb}
aferrado{adjective masculine}
¿Se está aferrando Europa a algo que no necesita porque ya lo tiene?
Is Europe grasping for something that it does not need because it already has it?
El método establecido es aferrar la cabeza fetal con los fórceps obstétricos y girar y colocar la cabeza para facilitar el descenso y el nacimiento del feto.
The established method is to grasp the fetal head with obstetric forceps and turn and position the head to facilitate the descent and birth of the infant.
aferrar[aferrando · aferrado] {transitive verb}
Medidas aferradas a la disciplina presupuestaria, la coordinación de políticas macroeconómicas y la existencia de políticas de crecimiento sostenibles.
Measures which are firmly anchored in budgetary discipline, in the coordination of macroeconomic policies and in the existence of sustainable growth policies.
aferrar[aferrando · aferrado] {intransitive verb}
En el fondo, mientras más se relajan las costumbres, más nos aferramos a la billetera.
Basically, the more we lose our grip on morals, the more we tighten our grip on our wallet.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "aferrado":
Context examples for "aferrado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por haberme aferrado en mi oposición al recorte original, me han tildado de buscapleitos.
As I galvanized opposition to the original cut I was accused of mischief-making.
Aunque hoy manifiesta su compromiso con la democracia, sigue aferrado a las armas del terrorismo.
Today, although mouthing commitment to democracy, it clings to the weapons of terror.
Habría sido más inteligente que el Parlamento se hubiese aferrado al procedimiento de codecisión.
It would have been more sensible for Parliament always to apply the co-decision procedure.
Aunque hoy manifiesta su compromiso con la democracia, sigue aferrado a las armas del terrorismo.
We are therefore opposed to efforts to turn this Parliament into a mere sham, where democracy is only nominally present.
Soy contrario a la Constitución porque sigo aferrado a la idea de potenciar al máximo la verdadera soberanía nacional.
I oppose the Constitution because I dare still to cling to a belief in maximising meaningful national sovereignty.
Desde diversos lados ya se han aferrado a la obstrucción de la toma de decisiones europea por parte del Reino Unido para suprimir el derecho de veto.
The United Kingdom's blocking of the European decision-making process has been seized upon with both hands in various quarters as an argument for abolishing the right of veto.
Tindemans hizo un extraordinario hincapié asimismo en esas tareas a las que Finlandia y Suecia se han aferrado en sus propuestas.
Mr Tindemans has also very tellingly stressed the tasks referred to in the 'Petersburg Declaration', which Finland and Sweden seized on in their proposal.
Tindemans hizo un extraordinario hincapié asimismo en esas tareas a las que Finlandia y Suecia se han aferrado en sus propuestas.
Mr Tindemans has also very tellingly stressed the tasks referred to in the 'Petersburg Declaration ', which Finland and Sweden seized on in their proposal.