
"coerce" in English

"coerce" in English
"coerce" in Spanish
to coerce{transitive verb}
Insulting and coercing the people of Ireland is unacceptable.
Insultar y coaccionar a los irlandeses es inadmisible.
It also wants to coerce the Communist parties, who stand firmly by their principles, into abandoning them and integrating.
Además pretende coaccionar a los partidos comunistas, que permanecen firmes a sus principios, a abandonarlos e integrarse.
Anyone under 18 years of age is extremely vulnerable and could be coerced into something they may regret in later years.
Los menores de edad son muy vulnerables y se les puede coaccionar para que hagan algo que más tarde lamenten.
to coerce[coerced · coerced] {transitive verb}
to coerce sb into -ing
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