
"to come to terms with" in Spanish

"to come to terms with" in Spanish
asumir{v.t.} (aceptar)
It also speaks in plain terms of the failure to come to terms with what happened to the Armenians in Turkey.
Expone asimismo de forma rotunda la negativa a asumir lo ocurrido a los armenios en Turquía.
they have not come to terms with this new situation yet
todavía no han logrado asumir esta nueva realidad
they still haven't come to terms with this fact
todavía no han logrado asumir esta realidad

Context examples for "to come to terms with" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is very difficult for farmers to come to terms with more bureaucracy.
A los agricultores les resulta muy difícil hacer frente a una mayor burocracia.
Morocco is reluctant to start negotiations or to come to terms too quickly.
Marruecos se muestra reacio a iniciar las negociaciones y a obtener resultados rápidos.
(HU) We will have to come to terms with oil prices remaining high in the long term.
(HU) Tenemos que aceptar que los precios del petróleo se mantendrán elevados a largo plazo.
In fact the Commission has not come to terms with the compromise reached on novel food.
El hecho es que la Comisión no ha participado en el acuerdo sobre los nuevos alimentos.
It is important for Turkey to come to terms with its history, including in relation to Armenia.
Es importante que Turquía reconozca su historia, incluida la referente a Armenia.
There is a continuing need to come to terms with the region ’ s history.
Y, desafortunadamente, los Estados miembros han participado en el rechazo de su solicitud.
It is still difficult for that country to come to terms with the crimes from the recent past.
Sigue siendo difícil que ese país acepte los crímenes del pasado reciente.
Therefore our social model needs to come to terms with the new reality.
Por eso, nuestro modelo social necesita adaptarse a la nueva realidad.
Finally, the EU should stimulate and help Russia to come to terms with its totalitarian legacy.
Por último, la UE debería estimular y ayudar a Rusia a aceptar su legado totalitario.
How can Christ's Church come to terms with the modern spirit, so proud of its
¿Cómo puede la Iglesia de Cristo darse a entender al espíritu
There is a continuing need to come to terms with the region’s history.
Existe una constante necesidad de aceptar la historia de la región.
(SK) The Structural Funds are also helping us to come to terms with the new economic reality.
- (SK) Los Fondos Estructurales nos están ayudando a enfrentarnos a la nueva realidad económica.
We really must get the IMO to come to terms with these standards.
Realmente tenemos que conseguir que la OMI cumpla estas normas.
Sadly, today, we have to come to terms with the fact that someone has prevented this from coming about.
Hoy, lamentablemente, tenemos que tomar conciencia de que alguien ha impedido este resultado.
One is bound to observe that Europe has come to terms with the crises in Asia, Russia and Brazil rather well.
Es obligado constatar que Europa ha digerido bien las crisis asiática, rusa y brasileña.
Consistent rehabilitation and the publicising of crimes are the only way to come to terms with the past.
La coherente rehabilitación y la difusión de los crímenes son el único modo de aceptar el pasado.
It is because the Council could not come to terms with the word "vade mecum" for some unknown reason.
Porque el Consejo, por algún que otro inescrutable motivo, no podía aceptar el término "vademécum" .
The European paradigm has changed, and the sooner some of you come to terms with that, the better it will be.
El paradigma europeo ha cambiado y cuanto antes lo acepten, mejor.
Workers in these regions must be helped to come to terms better with changes in the labour market.
Habrá que ayudar a los trabajadores de estas zonas a adaptarse mejor a los cambios en el mercado laboral.
Has Russia come to terms with the reality of the enlarged Union?
¿Ha aceptado Rusia la realidad de la Unión ampliada?